Air Conditioning Repair: When To Repair The Compressor

Since the compressor is the workhorse of your air conditioning unit, you should ensure it's always in top condition. Otherwise, the equipment's operation will be strained, and your indoor comfort will be compromised. And being that it's located in the outdoor cabinet, it's prone to malfunction as compared to the components in the indoor cabinet. Thus, you should watch for telltale signs of damage and contact air conditioning repair services. This article will enlighten you on when to repair the compressor.

No Hot Air Around the Outdoor Cabinet

One of the earliest signs of compressor damage is when you notice no hot air around the outdoor cabinet. This means that the compressor isn't facilitating the transfer of latent heat from your indoor spaces to the surrounding outdoor environment. And as long as the compressor isn't playing its part in the cooling process, the AC equipment's operation will be strained.

You should therefore contact air conditioning repair services and let them address the root of the problem before other AC components sustain damage. The technician will conduct an in-depth equipment inspection to determine if other components aside from the compressor have sustained damage. This way, they can proceed with an extensive repair to restore the equipment to proper function.

Compressor Not Turning On

Another telltale sign indicating compressor damage is when the component won't turn on. And being the AC unit's workhorse, when the compressor doesn't turn on, the equipment won't be able to cool your indoor spaces. This is an indication of a serious malfunction, so make sure you contact your AC technician immediately and let them address the emergency issue before it gets out of hand.

The technician will turn off the cooling unit so that they can prevent further damage. They'll then proceed to thoroughly inspect the compressor to determine the root of the problem. Depending on the severity of the issue, a simple recalibration will restore the compressor to proper function, or you might need to replace the component.

AC Blowing Warm Air

Since your AC's primary role is to circulate cool air throughout your home, you know there is a problem when it starts blowing warm air. This is a clear indication that the equipment isn't absorbing latent heat from your indoor spaces. If this continues over an extended period, you'll have uncomfortable room temperatures and a severely strained cooling unit.

To restore sufficient indoor air cooling and protect your equipment from breaking down, you should contact your AC repair technician with your observation. Aside from checking the compressor's operation, the technician will also inspect other components to accurately diagnose the problem. This way, they can offer a permanent solution, allowing you to return to comfortable room temperatures.

Contact an air conditioning repair technician for more information. 

About Me

Warm and Cozy or Cool and Comfortable with HVAC

Hi, my name is Kari, and as a mom, I think it is my responsibility to make sure my family is comfortable. Some days that means making cookies for a sad kid or painting our walls in inspiring colors. Other days, it means troubleshooting the HVAC system to make sure we are all warm and cozy in the winter and cool and comfortable during the summer. If you want to read about HVAC, get tips on picking the right system or learn to troubleshoot issues, you have found the right blog! Please, get comfortable and enjoy reading! I hope these posts inspire and inform you!
