Tips For Keeping Your HVAC System Running Smoothly For Years To Come

A heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) unit is a key part of many homes. But it's also something that some homeowners may take for granted until it needs to be repaired. It can help if you think about your HVAC system along the same lines as you would your car. An HVAC system requires regular maintenance if you want it to keep your family comfortable for many years to come. Here are three things you can do to help ensure that your HVAC will not develop easily avoidable problems in the years ahead.

Keep the Area Around the System Cleared

If your HVAC unit is outside, you will want to make sure that the surrounding environment does not encroach on the unit. Keep the grass in the surrounding area neatly trimmed and keep any shrubs at bay. Letting a nearby tree or shrub get too close to the HVAC system can lead to a system clog.

Change the Air Filters on a Regular Basis

You regularly change the air filter on your vehicle, right? Let that serve as a reminder that it's a good idea to change the air filter on your HVAC system on a regular basis as well. A clean filter will prevent clogs and also help improve the quality of the air you and your family are breathing. A new air filter can also help the system run more efficiently, reducing your energy bill in the process.

Schedule a Regular Inspection with a Local Contractor

While there are some things you can do on your own to keep your HVAC system running, you may not be aware of the more advanced inner workings of the system. That's why it's a good idea to form a long term partnership with a local HVAC contractor. Schedule a regular inspection of your system, at least once a year, so that any potential problems can be fixed before they turn into something larger. The ongoing cost of regular maintenance will still likely be cheaper for you than the amount you would have to shell over in the event that your system dies and it needs a complete replacement.

HVAC systems require regular maintenance just like your car. Get into the habit of changing the air filter and clearing the area around the system of debris on a regular basis. For best results, contact an HVAC specialist to set up an ongoing maintenance plan.

Contact a service like Reed Heating to learn more.

About Me

Warm and Cozy or Cool and Comfortable with HVAC

Hi, my name is Kari, and as a mom, I think it is my responsibility to make sure my family is comfortable. Some days that means making cookies for a sad kid or painting our walls in inspiring colors. Other days, it means troubleshooting the HVAC system to make sure we are all warm and cozy in the winter and cool and comfortable during the summer. If you want to read about HVAC, get tips on picking the right system or learn to troubleshoot issues, you have found the right blog! Please, get comfortable and enjoy reading! I hope these posts inspire and inform you!
